The Humanities Yearbook of Radzyn Podlaski

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How Biała Podlaska became the capital of the voivodeship

Neither the new province of Bialskopodlaskie, let alone Biała Podlaska, were adequately prepared to perform their function, argues Małgorzata Nikoniuk in a newly published article in our pages. With the delegation of powers, the organizational chaos grew more and more, as the authorities were unable to adjust to the new two-tier division of the administration. We invite you to read.

What do the letters to the Party show?

The communist party, exercising the dictatorial power in Poland, was at the same time the final and highest appeal body to which people turned to with their problems in their professional and private life. The new article in our pages shows through the prism of letters and complaints to the PZPR the social mood of the inhabitants of the newly created Biała Podlaskie Voivodeship. The presented problems seem characteristic of the Polish People’s Republic.

Paweł Orłowski: Everyday obstacles approached by the inhabitants of the Biała Podlaska Voivodeship in the first years after its establishment (1975-1976) reflected in letters and complaints addressed to the PZPR’s Voi-vodeship Committee in Biała Podlaska Continue reading

Medieval fortress in Zavada near Tarnov

In the early Middle Ages in Zawada near Tarnów there was a huge defensive structure with a central fortification and fortified boroughs. The stronghold served as a military function, enabling the protection of the surrounding population against the attacks of nomads from the east and Slavic teams from the south and southwest. Everyday life went on inside. In a new article in our pages, Tomasz Sajecki presents the archeological analysis of the settlement in the text: Zawada near Tarnów – a large settlement from the early Middle Ages. Continue reading

What did the policeman think?

This is not a bold thesis put forward contrary to known jokes about militiamen, but a contribution to the history of formation of the Citizens’ Militia cadre – communist formation of public order and security – in the Radzyń Podlaski poviat. Dariusz Magier decided to analyze the attitude of militia officers in the Radzyń poviat to the two main elements responsible for post-war changes in Poland: the communist system and the Soviet Union. The source of considerations are the characteristics of the militia staff prepared by the poviat secretary of the Polish Workers’ Party in Radzyń Podlaski in early 1946.

Go to article: The attitude of militia force from Radzyń Podlaski poviat towards communism and the Soviet Union in early 1946

“Solidarity” of farmers after December 13, 1981

The construction and functioning of the underground structures of agricultural “Solidarity” in the Lubelskie Voivodship is a problem that has been investigated to a far extent insufficient. Therefore, we are pleased to invite you to read the digital version of the new in our article dr. Eugeniusz Wilkowski, a witness to the events and the main researcher of the history of “Solidarity” in the Lublin region, who discusses the sources, the state of research and mechanisms of the emergence and development by the communist Security Service of the underground structures of farmers: Underground structures of the “Solidarity” farmers’ union in the Lublin region (Poland) in 1982–1989 

The result of the evaluation in Index Copernicus

We are pleased to inform you that the “Radzyński Humanities Yearbook” has passed the evaluation process positively and is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List database for 2018.

The Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for 2018 was determined based on verification of information from the evaluation survey and analysis of the 2018 magazine issues: ICV 2018 = 71.25.

This means an increase of 16.83 points. compared to the 2017 assessment.

We invite you to check the evolution of our magazine’s evaluation indicators at Index Copernicus International in recent years in the Passport of the Yearbook.