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Reviewing procedure

  1. The authors sending materials for publication agree to the reviewing process.
  2. Articles are checked by the anti-plagiarism system, a preliminary assessment by the editors who accepts or rejects them.
  3. Accepted materials are directed to at least two reviewers.
  4. The materials are reviewed in accordance with the principle of confidentiality and mutual anonymity, which means that during the entire procedure both the reviewer and the author do not have mutual knowledge about their personal details. Papers are not sent to reviewers from the same institution from which the authors come, or to persons who may be in conflict with the author.
  5. The material receives an editorial number identifying it in the subsequent publishing procedure.
  6. Reviewers are not allowed to use knowledge about the work before its publication.
  7. The review has a written form, consistent with the review form and ends with an unequivocal conclusion as to the admission of the article for publication or its rejection.
  8. The editors mediate in contacts between the author and reviewer. The author is obliged to make changes to the text, as suggested by the reviewer, or justify their inaccuracy (In both cases, he should send descriptive information regarding the scope of the corrections made. The final decision on publication or rejection of the text belongs to the editor.
  9. Names of reviewers of individual publications are not disclosed.
  10. The general list of reviewers of materials submitted for specific volumes is published on the magazine’s website.


  • title compliance with content,
  • correct work layout,
  • linguistic and terminological correctness,
  • accuracy of tables, charts and iconography,
  • use of sources and literature,
  • the author’s contribution to the development of science.